Thursday 20 December 2012

A story from Greece

My Dear Hades,

One month more… 
You can’t imagine how all is so different here: flowers, animals… Since I have come back, all of the nature celebrates me… I really like my native earth and its beauty with its colors display, scents and songs symphony… You will like that too, no ?

They help me to find consolation for not being at yours side…
My mother is always beside me, a bit trouble by my new wife situation but so happy to see me again. She cherishes me a lot but her love is different your own, you know…

I really miss you… I have thought about you each minute. Your image haunts my nights, follows me all the day, it fulfills my lifeSometimes your absence is so difficult to accept that I feel a surd pain deep down in my heart... I languish the time when you will transform this pain into happiness, the biggest I’ve known since I was born thanks to you…

But time passes quickly, flowers will wither soon and autumn will come and with it, the sweet moment to come back at yours side in the abyss.

Waiting every day this moment, I send you this flower with a little of the earth scent, a little of me…

Answer me as soon as possible.

With all my love,

Your Persephone

Tuesday 18 December 2012

A different way of life...

... With the Amish People

          In the era of globalization, today all people in the world use modern technologies wear jeans, drive cars... The "modern" way of life has gained mainly people who have found themselves brought face to face with a difficult choice between conserving his own ancestral traditions and adopting a new style of life with the “common” modern way of life…However, there still are some populations who have chosen to conserve all of their ancestral traditions, refusing to share this modern lifestyle and for that, deliberately cutting themselves off the rest of the world.

That is the case of the Amish People, also known as the Plain People. 
Amish people live principally in United State of America, on productive farmlands.

A different way of life by choice. 
“Do not conform to the world which surrounds them. To give up on oneself. To give up on play a part in the world.” 

That is the main belief which encourages them to conserve their ancestral way of life.

Therefore their culture can give us the impression to go back in the time…

For example, they usually refuse to use electricity, telephones, televisions because all of threads represent the liaison with the exterior.

All aspects of Amish lifestyle are dictated by rules and religious beliefs which vary from community to community and order to order. Indeed there are different religious orders among Amish population, but all these churches regroup on common characteristics.
The Amish people are an old religious sect, direct descendants of the Anabaptist Christians of sixteenth century Europe. This sect results of a reaction against the official Church on this time too lax for some people and almost living in the lust.
That’s why, as their name shows it -the Plain people-, the Amish have to live in the most simplicity.

The religion and its beliefs sparks off a lot of other rules, lifestyle and decisions that they have to take:  for example once they marry, woman do not cut their hair and men are required to let they beards grow because it’s a link symbol witch unite them with God.

Their clothing too is an expression of their faith to encourage humility and separation from the world: very simple style, made at home, primarily dark in color. 
They are all similar to traduce an absence of social organization into a hierarchy: between Amish people, all are equal in front of God.

But we can note than equality is not really effective because there is even though a strong family structure, patriarchal where the father is considered the head of the Amish household. Chores are clearly divided by sexual role: the man usually works on the farm while the wife does the household chores, roles which are teach early to children.

The family structure and the solidarity and mutual assistance relations between members of community are very important and any technology which they fell weakens are avers by the Amish. So we can understand why they don’t use for example tractors or modern farm machines and techniques, automobiles (they use buggies). 

Because all of that -which come from the modern world-  is considered like a temptation that could cause vanity, create inequality or lead the Amish away their close-knit community and the sin.

"Because of their religious beliefs, Amish try to separate themeselves from "outsiders", in an effort to avoid temptations and sin."

A recent BBC News about AMISH HELDOVER COMMUNITY ATTACKS bring to ask us about this culture and way of life…

In front of all their beliefs, it can be very strange, for people who avoid violence in all forms, that such events occurred…It can even be unbelievable for someone who know nothing about this culture aspects... So when we know the religious symbol meaning of the bears and hair who haven’t to be cut, we can understand better the reason of targets of this attacks by someone who wants to take he’s revenge for old quarrels into the community… 
Consequently the religion seems to be the cause of this "hate-crime" ; or better said the cause is in the bad use of this religion done by an insane man more than in the religion itself. Let me explain, in some of its ideas, this religion can give a good way to live with a perspective of common happiness... Well, in our point of view of "modern-way-of life" we can't understand a lot of customs and consequently to not be agree with its... As for me, it's the little liberty which the Amish have in their life because of their religion and the condition of the woman (clearly inferior than the man) which the most upset myself.  
And I will conclude saying that to my mind, this event shows that even with a strict way of life and beliefs -religion-, people is able to the worst atrocities... if it isn't precisely this rules and stylelife which has lead to this atrocities ?

Monday 12 November 2012

What's wrong with our education system ?

Katherine Birbalsingh believes that there is a problem with UK's education system.

1. This ex-teacher believes that the "system is broken because it keeps poor children poor". There is a "culture of excuses", as she says, in the UK's education system where children don't feel they are responsible of their exam success...or failure at school. Therefore they fail because excuses are given them to excuse their bad behavior at school.

2. According to her, this problem exists because the "culture of excuses" is part of the well meaning people ; they always find excuses for the pupils bad behavior, for example a difficult background... But for Katherine Birbalsingh, this is not helpful for pupils success because it shifts the problem to considerate that they are responsible of themselves. 

3. About this problem, the government ministers shares the point of view of Katherine Birbalsingh but they say they did have to try to support teachers for not going in the "culture of excuses". So the government is not to blame for the condition. They need dedicated teachers with natural authority even if this good teachers can leave the system because of the children bad behavior.

4. To improve the system, Katherine thinks they have to change this culture of excuses, which come from many years. Both of pupils and staff have to be responsible of what they do. She says too at the beginning that they have to bring competition between classrooms with bench marking and individual exam, so children can be allowed to fail.

5. If she were given a choice to make changes in the UK's education system, she would trust in teacher and headteacher more : give them more freedom about discipline. According to her, they are professionals who know their job and are be able to decide the exclusion of a pupil (after helping him to be responsible) : "It requires a culture of exclusion". And looking  exams, to be honest, its become easier ever year. So she would come back to an acceptable level ; "we need to success" she says.


Problems with France education system ?

Of course I think they are !

The government says school is for everybody and everybody have the same chance to succeed but in the reality, school stays a system who permits to the elite to succeed (with a few exceptions...) ; that is to say people thanks to his social environment pass in prestigious University or School and then have a good job, top-ranking with a big salary... Currently, the France doesn't reduce the social divide. On the contrary, it grows : the good students are better and better and student who go in specific studies learn less and less...
The France is one of the countries where the social environment more influences in schooling.

To my mind if there is this selection at school it's because there is a lot of competition in the system but in our individual society too : "If you want to have a good job, you have to success and to be the best at school".
But what is a good job ? I believe that to succeed at school is not the only way to find it and be happy; of course for some people who want to do a job which requires a high formation, they don't have an other solution that pass all exams with a good level. But I think the problem is that the system (the government or the society I don't know who exactly) want most of people to pass this exam even if then, their job isn't make them happy. There are some examples of people who succeeded at school and became engineer or boss and one day, stopped everything because our dream was to become a pastry cook !!! 
It 's because a lot of job are depreciate by the salary and the organization into a hierarchy in the society.
It would have to make more attractive more equitably the different jobs to permit choose better according to our capacities and feelings... (But It requires too a change of mentalities in the society...)

This problem begins in primary school : the best preoccupation at the end of the year is how many children passed... It put children success in the center of the system instead of the children himself. 
In general I think they have not enough manual education and practices of art and sport, witch are very important for the child development, specifically for children which have some difficulties at school...
In that, there are often only good children on maths or language which are value but not the other who can have a particular sensibility on art for example or other capacities that school, witch this system, don't know developing. 
And I think too teachers are not sufficiently prepared when they start their career..To my mind there are not enough psychology and pedagogy in the formation whereas it's very important to know when you have to teach to children...
A system which put in the center the child, which value him with his own needs and capacities, without always being into the competition for the child want to learn and develop it... That is to succeed at school for me... (Suggestion easier like idea than in practice, unfortunately...). 

Monday 15 October 2012

The bad word that starts with an E

Mr Bean writing an exam...

Mr Bean comes by car to his exam eagerly, to not be late. He seems quite nervous...
At the start of the exam, when he sits down, and speaks with his partner, he appears very self-confident (too much maybe...). They talk about their revisions : Mr Bean concentrated one's revisions on trigonometry whereas his partner was concentrated on calculus. Even if they look confident, both of them are a bit anxious about the exam question.
Mr Bean closes the discussion saying calculus was the exam subject of the last year : he worries a bit more his partner and try to reassure himself.
Then, he prepares his pens (all of his pens!) and get his lucky charm and a big alarm clock out of his briefcase.
During the exam, at the beginning he's neurotic and reads very quickly the exam question...  He's immediately panicked and almost terrified by the question... He can't answer and decided to cheat cribbing from his partner. He uses a lot of implausible techniques to see the answers on his partner's sheet.
He's so in despair that he falls crying, calling his mum... and stay sleeping on his blank sheet.
Towards the end of the exam, Mr. Bean realizes there were two exam questions : one of calculus and one of... trigonometry ! He goes mad !!! He's too under stress to write because he have to stop two minutes later... (Stupid Mr. Bean !).

 Me, at the start of an important exam...

When I have an important exam, I prefer come early but not too early, to not have to speak with my partners; because is often in this moment that we put us under stress talking about revisions, exam questions … I prefer stay alone, concentrated and I try to stay self-confident of my revisions.
To reassure me, the day before I always prepare my pens, a watch and a bottle of water with some biscuits… If I panic during the exam, I know that I can eat or drink a little to cheer me.

When I sit down, I often feel nervous. I’m in a hurry to start because it’s always in waiting moments that I become anxious! I try to concentrate me on my breathing or try to not think that is an important exam... I think also that all my partners are in the same situation of me… I think that I learn my lessons and I can pass…

When the exams start, I forget all of this thoughts (I almost forget that there are other people near me!) and I only concentrate on the exam question and the watch to finish in time.

Sunday 7 October 2012

That's me !

* If I were an animal, ...
                                 ... I would be a bird (a swallow for example) to see the earth from the sky when I want, to travel with the seasons, to sing and talk cheerfully, to collect smiles and announce spring times...

If I were an object, ...
       ... I would be a cup (a cup o coffee, tea or herbal infusion as you want) to listen carefully stories, with a piece of chocolate!

* If I were a quote, ...
                              ... I would say : " Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." [Gandhi]

* If I were a language, ...
                                   ... I would be the music or the eyes to communicate with all the peoples.

* If  I were a super-heroine, ...
                                                                                     ... I would change the world of course !

If I were Lisa 10 years later, ...
                                            ... I would be a teacher, always with a lot of projects in my head...

* But I am Lisa, ...
                          ...  I'm just a human who's 20 years old (considered like a young human by scientific studies). I'm a girl (what's a girl ? Er... that is an other question !).
I study Spanish language, letters and civilization in France.
I love travelling... in my minds or around the world, on foot or bike. I'm very fond of  mountains... running, climbing, skiing, to spend time in the nature... I enjoy the music, books and movies worlds...
(I like chocolate and I hate spiders.)
And I just try to understand better the world where I live and  be the change I want to see in the world...

That's me... I think...